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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This Week's Grocery Shopping Lists & Discussion

Check out the pre-made shopping lists & discussions at PinchingYourPennies for the following local stores...
American Discount Foods
Food City - Coming Soon
Pro's Ranch Market - Coming Soon
Sunflower Market

And don't forget to share your finds when out shopping so others can get in on the deal.

*Check out this compilation listing of what is cheap/free this week.

**If new to couponing in Arizona, check out this Welcome thread for a few tips and feel free to ask any questions.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Smoothie King ~ Buy 1 Get 1 Free Lean1 Smoothies

Click Here to print a coupon valid for Buy one Lean1 Smoothie, get one FREE at Smoothie King.  There are 4 locations including Scottsdale, Phoenix & Glendale.

99 Cent Only Find: Toys Story 3 Buddy Packs!!

2011-08-29 18.49.09

I have been on the hunt for these Toy Story 3 Buddy Packs. I had a twitter buddy (Thanks Christy) give me a heads up when she found them at her store. I ran out and checked my stores on Sunday with no luck. However I swung by my closest store (Ina Road) last night when I had to pick up a few RXs.  Score!!

These retail for $8 although I see them on sale for $5 on the Mattel website. So grabbing them for $0.99 each is a total score!  Lots of possible uses:


Christmas/Birthday Gifts

Potty Training Rewards/Prizes

Stocking Stuffers

Party Favors

2011-08-29 August2011 005

Or use them for Disneyland Souvenirs on the Cheap!!

I grabbed 10 different sets to dole out on our trip so that I don’t break the budget on souvenirs.  I’ll let the boys pick a set each day of our trip!



2011-08-29 August2011 0042011-08-28 August2011 011


And here are the rest of my purchases from Sunday & Monday






2011-08-28 August2011 009


Knudsen Fat free sour cream, Cream cheese, Nature’s own bread, Aunt Hattie’s Buns, Chips, Raisins, Carrots, Salad, Spinach, Portobello Mushrooms, Lysol toilet bowl cleaner, mini sewing kit (totally lost my sewing box)and mini cereal cups (for our trip).



Please remember selection varies by store… I can’t control this. I am just sharing my own finds. Good luck hunting!
Monday, August 29, 2011

Fry’s Trip + Ina Road Remodel Pictures!

2011-08-28 August2011 007

I made a quick trip to Fry’s to pick up a few more deals and to check out the Kandoo stock situation. (Still out in case you are curious). I did pick up…


4 1/2 gallons milk $0.88

4 16 oz shredded cheese $2.99

2 Powerades $0.49 – $0.75/2 tearpad = free

4 Crayola Gum Toothbrushes $1 – $0.55 MQ =free


Plus I was able to check out the newly opened remodeled half the  store (Ina)!!  It is looking quite fancy and spacious!! This remodel has been a long time coming!

2011-08-28 10.55.112011-08-28 10.52.40

There is a Starbucks near the deli and a nice sized eating area.




2011-08-28 10.53.452011-08-28 10.54.33


And there is a lovely Cupcake Shoppe with many custom choices. This may be my new favorite hangout!

2011-08-28 10.57.49

And this is the old produce/deli section that is now moved to the new part of the store… Still quite a bit of construction needs to be completed!






The store is finally coming together!

Free Blockbuster Express DVD Rental Promotion Codes

The following codes are valid for a Free 1-night $1 DVD rental at Blockbuster Express Kiosks. Each code can be used once per debit or credit card. There won't be a charge as long as you turn movie in by 9pm the next day.
*Don't forget you can save time by reserving your movie online and just picking up at kiosk. This is a good way to also verify code is still working.

38JEAH9 - exp 9/2/11
43PBCG5 - exp 9/2/11
36TTDR9 - exp 9/2/11
62PGAR5 - exp 9/2/11
24KRVF9 - exp 9/2/11
9HLG4X - exp 9/3/11

Free Breakfast Entree at participating Chick-Fil-A restaurants 9/6-9/10 - make your reservation now!

From September 6 – 10, 2011, participating Chick-fil-A restaurants are giving away a variety of FREE breakfast entrées to customers who make a reservation online. To make your reservation, visit THIS website beginning Monday, August 29, 2011 and choose your preferred Chick-fil-A restaurant, the date, time and breakfast entrée!
Friday, August 26, 2011

Old Navy Outlet store at Arizona Mills - accepts Competitor Coupons!

Was over at Arizona Mills Mall today and spotted a sign that said Old Navy Outlet Store there accepts competitor coupons. I spoke with the salesperson and they said as long as it is valid on apparel and not expired they would take them.  They were not sure how long the promotion would last and so far I haven't found anything online about it.

Currently they are also having a Jeans Sale. Toddler Jeans $10.99, Girls/Boys $12.99. 
Earlier I posted some retailer coupons here. The $25 off $50 Coldwater Creek coupon is looking pretty good right now huh?

Twice As Nice–Tucson $5 Bag Sale and $5 Coupon, Saturday 8/27


Twice As Nice- Alvernon/Grant is having a $5 Sidewalk bag sale Plus enter to win a $100 gift card.  Saturday, August 27th 7am-Noon



$5 OFF at Twice As Nice on Oracle/Wetmore and on Ina/Oldfather Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Print this coupon, show us the coupon on your phone or tell us the coupon code ORN5FTAN.
One per family per store per day, may not be combined with other coupons

AMC Theaters Gold Movie Passes: 2 for $12 in-store or 10-pack $63 online - Costco

In-Store Deal:
AMC Gold Experience Movie Tickets
$11.99 after $4 off
*limit of ten 2-packs per Costco member

Online Deal:
AMC Gold Experience Movie Tickets 10-pack $62.99 delivered after $20 off
*Limit two 10-packs per Costco Member. *Extra $4 if non-member.

Click here for more information.

Fry’s Trip 8/25

2011-08-25 August2011 001

I ran over to Fry’s yesterday morning after dropping of Q at school.  I wanted to get in and out quick to avoid baking to death!


I was really hoping to find Kandoo Soap/Wipes but they were out of stock. And to make matters worse, I forgot to get a darn rain check so I will definitely be stopping by again soon!


What I did buy:


4-1/2 Gallon Fry’s Milk $0.88

6 Powerades $0.49 – $0.75/2 tearpad (circle K) = free

Kroger Bagels $1.50

Cow Pals String Cheese $3.49

Banana Chocolate chip soft cookies $1.89 (bakery markdown) <—YUMMY!

Total $10.34 OOP


I love stocking up on freebies like powerade.  It has a long shelf life and it’s great for low blood sugar situations! I plan on trying to find a few more Qs!

Going Shopping this weekend? 30% off Old Navy, 20% off Kohls, $25 off $50 Coldwater Creek & MORE

Bath & Body WorksFree Signature Collection Body Care Item with $10 purchase09/06/11
Bed Bath & BeyondSign up for email newsletter, get 20% off coupon via email
BrioFree appetizer with an entrée purchase plus 500 School Cents bonus points - San Tan Village only12/31/11
Build A Bear$5 off $25 or $10 off $4009/06/11
Charlotte Russe$5 off any purchase when enter or vote on their Closetful of Jeans Contest09/30/11
Children's Place15% off your purchase09/05/11
Coldwater Creek$25 off $50 purchase08/28/11
GymboreeText SAVE to 283342 to get a 20% off your entire purchase coupon, after that can text GYMBOREE to same number for any future savings coupons.09/30/11
JC Penney$10 off $25 purchase08/27/11
JoAnnVarious Mobile CouponsVarious
Justice40% off your purchase09/05/11
Kirkland's$5 off $25 purchase09/14/11
Kirkland's$25 off $75 purchase09/14/11
Kohl's20% off your purchase08/27/11
Lane Bryant$25 off $75, $50 off $150, $75 off $225 or more08/30/11
Lane BryantEarn $25 Real Women Dollars$ when spend $5009/15/11
New York & Company$25 off $75 purchase08/26/11
Office Depot$10 off $50 purchase08/30/11
Old Navy30% off in-store purchase08/28/11
Old NavyClick "Hottest Ticket" Link on their Facebook Page - current offer $10 off $50 purchase
Payless15% off purchase + combine with Buy 1, Get 1 50% off promotion08/31/11
Ruby Tuesday'sFree appetizer with entree purchase for Facebook Fans
Ulta$3.50 off $10 purchase08/27/11
White House Black MarketReceive $20 off an $80 purchase with their Black Book Membership (free to join) - may be San Tan Village only08/27/11
Yankee Candle$10 off $25 purchase09/18/11

Thursday, August 25, 2011

99 Cent Only: Hip In A Hurry at a DIFFERENT Store

I ventured to my “other” 99 Cent Only Store today and I found some fun stuff!

2011-08-24 09.56.54

2011-08-24 09.57.11


Lots more Hip In A Hurry Vinyl Cutouts! And different designs compared with the other store’s selection.

I definitely did not see these there last week, so keep watching your store. You might get lucky!


2011-08-24 09.57.232011-08-24 09.57.402011-08-24 09.58.08 (1)2011-08-24 09.58.27

I know some people have been hunting for these so I took a picture of the aisle where I found them.  It’s sort of a home section with pet items across the aisle.  It would be easy to miss the box on the lower shelf if you weren’t looking closely!


I refrained from buying any because I *might* have bought too many robot ones for my boys. 



2011-08-24 09.56.282011-08-24 09.55.15


I found both of these bug fighting “alternatives” to spray on chemicals.  I am not super familiar with either product, so I plan on doing some research online…

Anyone have experience with Bugables or Insect Repelling Superband?








2011-08-24 10.01.342011-08-24 10.01.56

Cheap Sheet Protectors and Crayola Pip Squeaks. I think the markers are a good idea, they are shorter for smaller hands and of course washable!!










2011-08-24 09.59.522011-08-24 10.07.19

The 6 pack of cards were a great deal for $0.99 and the selection varied in each package but you COULD see what was in it. I grabbed 2 sets!

And I snapped a quick shot of the smarties selection. I was hoping to see bubble gum smarties… no luck.






Please remember selection definitely varies by store. I am only sharing the fun stuff I found at my 99 Cent Only store(s). Don’t shoot the messenger if you can’t find the exact same thing at your store. Please.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This Week's Grocery Shopping Lists & Discussion

Check out the pre-made shopping lists & discussions at PinchingYourPennies for the following local stores...
American Discount Foods
Food City
Pro's Ranch Market
Sunflower Market

And don't forget to share your finds when out shopping so others can get in on the deal.

*Check out this compilation listing of what is cheap/free this week.

**If new to couponing in Arizona, check out this Welcome thread for a few tips and feel free to ask any questions.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fry’s Trip! 8/23

2011-08-23 August2011 001

Here are my Fry’s orders from today!


Order #1

4 Diet Coke 12 packs $2.49 (wyb $25 +) – $1/2 peelies = $1.99 each

6 Powerades $0.49 each – $.75/2 tearpad (circle K) = free

3 Dial liquid soap $0.88 each – $0.35 MQ = free

Bud Light 6-pack $6.99 – FREE MQ = free <—We had a product issue once and they sent us a freebie Q

Kroger Cottage Cheese $1.99 – $0.40 Fry’s Q (home mailer) = $1.59

Kroger Bagels $1.50

Sara Lee Bread $1.49

Total $13.21


Order #2

6 Powerades $0.49 each – $.75/2 tearpad (circle K) = free

3 Dial liquid soap $0.88 each – $0.35 MQ = free

Total $0! <—Love that!!



Quick Tip: Save your freebie MQs to use when you need to get your subtotal up…  For example I needed a $25 subtotal to buy my diet coke cheap, so I redeemed the Bud Light coupon today.  Just be careful not to let the freebie Qs expire. I have committed that *Ultimate* couponing error before!

Lots of 99 Cent Only Finds 8/22

Here are some fun things I found yesterday in my 99 Cent Only Store… Please remember selection varies by store…


I was so tempted by both the Loft House cookies and the Breyers ice cream bars..

2011-08-22 11.21.042011-08-22 11.13.39


Lots of fun socks & tights: Claire's, Hanes, DKNY, Circo, Xhileration.  And a random speedo swim cap. Smile

2011-08-15 10.36.572011-08-22 11.25.322011-08-15 10.36.28

Russell Athletic Baseball pants?? In blue and white.

2011-08-15 10.34.362011-08-15 10.33.422011-08-15 10.35.39

Home Section

2011-08-15 10.28.142011-08-10 18.55.11

I still found more of those Awesome Hip in Hurry Vinyl Decals!  There was a stack laying on a shelf in the Home Section. 





Office Supplies

2011-08-22 11.28.39

2011-08-22 11.27.53

I found quite a few great kids scissors and $0.99 is a great price if you missed the crazy $0.25 door buster pricing at the office supply store!

I also found some classroom posters! This Shh! Testing one was fun!

JC Penney: $10 off $25 purchase - valid 8/26-8/27

Click here to print a coupon valid for $10 off $25 purchase at JCPenney. Valid 8/26-8/27/11.

Twice As Nice Phoenix Moving $5 Bag Sale -Everything


Twice As Nice Phoenix is finishing up  their moving sale with a BANG! 

Today and Tomorrow (8/23 and 8/24)

A $5 Bag Sale for EVERYTHING in the store!
And 50% off furniture & jewelry.


They moving from their current location (10653 N 43rd Ave) to a bigger one at CACTUS/43rd on August 25th.


The trade counter will reopen at their new location. Cash or Credit Card Only

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dining Certificates 50% off at ~ Blue 32 Sports Grille, The Living Room & more

‎50% off Dining Certificates at LocalDines.comincluding:
Blue 32 Sports Grille, The Living Room, Salty Senorita, The Melting Pot, Caffe Boa
 and many more

Free Blockbuster Express DVD Rental Promotion Codes

The following codes are valid for a Free 1-night $1 DVD rental at Blockbuster Express Kiosks. Each code can be used once per debit or credit card. There won't be a charge as long as you turn movie in by 9pm the next day.
*Don't forget you can save time by reserving your movie online and just picking up at kiosk. This is a good way to also verify code is still working.


All above codes expire August 26, 2011.